Jesus teachings
Pastor Raker, I am a retired Polisci teacher having retires 8 years ago when I could not take education’s increasingly liberal, anti-god stance. I am upset with both the the left and right, the Black Lives Matter protestors, our corrupt politicians (including the president), our decaying churches and a lot more. I compliment you on your teachings and especially your note that we should not be anxious watching the news because this was all predicted (Phil 4:6-7). While I do not believe this is part of Revelation, I believe it is a rebuke of His people (I mean all of us, not just Israel),. I think the shallow Christians of this country are also being rebuked for selfish pride as if their rights overrule the rights of people around them.
I am astounded at the shallow, low-IQ thinking of those proclaiming to be evangelical! As a Polisci teacher, I can say that “simple” government has never worked in history. As a Christian, I will say that we are incapable of ruling ourselves. Of course politicians are corrupt. If they were not corrupt going into politics, they soon will be as power corrupts. Compromises must be made, politicians become jaded, and all fall in the end to pride and greed. It is just mankind’s nature. It is why we need Jesus as only He can rule us fairly.
Keep up your preaching on not being anxious, looking to the Bible for guidance, not putting your rights before everyone else’s, and stop being so confrontational! Jesus was not hostile or prideful when He confronted people. And note He did not confront the Roman rulers of the land. We all need to step back, wear our masks FOR OTHER’S SAKE, and stop looking for a fight. God is in control, Jesus will return in His time, and pushing your “rights” onto others by jeopardizing their health (not wearing masks), is NOT godly! Jesus told us to be considerate of our neighbors. To me, that means wearing a mask to protect them in case I am infected (most of us will not be impacted and still spread the virus).
God bless your little church and your message. Preach Jesus’s love and not hostility. Preach Phil 4:6-7. Thank you for your nice bulletins, they are well done. Your Issues & Answers are thought provoking. Trust He is working and our hostility toward our neighbors is not godly as Jesus preached LOVE.
I could go on (just ask my wife), but I will stop here and leave it to God to use my message to you as He ALWAYS turns all things to His will.
God bless.