Prayer Request 6/16/2024
- A spiritual awakening for our Country
- Our Country’s Leadership
- EFCA workers in Ukraine
- Christians being persecuted around the world especially Afghanistan, North Korea, China
- Israel for their challenges
- Dave, Sue Fritts & family – strength and healing
- Caroline Raker strength and discernment
- Jerry for strength and energy to care for Brenda.
- Brenda for continued healing and recovery
- Andrea for the lords will
- Keep our missionaries in prayer.
- Fred Jennings for health
- The Raker Family
- James Orndorff started chemo for throat cancer.
- Crew Ministries on George Mason Campus (Pastor Daniel)
- Linda Anderson
- Open door for daycare for Alex Additional nursing assistance for the Raker boys
- Marshall had more cancer detected and will need a bone marrow transplant. Diagnosed with Diverticulitis
- Phyllis: Prayers for a speedy recovery and Moe health issues
- Pray for Joel in Uganda for provision of better equipment for his personal business
- Caroline having lung issues
- The Jesus film in Sierra Leone
- Anthony for spiritual guidance
- Monty healing from a fall
- Kelly unspoken
- John and Blanca
- Mike and Lee
- Whitney spiritual guidance
- Restored health for the congregation
- Phyllis for continued healing and health, Phyllis has eye apt Tuesday
- Linda’s neighbor Peggy has cancer, Pete recovering from cancer