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An open book with three crosses silhouetted against a candlelit background. Text reads “THE CHURCH DEFINED,” referencing 1 Peter 2:4-15, December 1, 2024.
Bible Passage 1 Peter 2

1 Peter 2:4-15 The Church Defined

  • Tony Raker
Date preached December 1, 2024

In 1 Peter 2:4-15 we have a description of the true church of God, for the Holy Spirit has recorded through Peter some of the things that God Himself says about the church. In the New Testament the church is viewed as:

  • A Brotherhood. This emphasizes the fellowship of those who belong to the church. In 1 Corinthians 1:9, the church is spoken of as those called “into fellowship with His Son Jesus Christ”; in Galatians 6:10 as “the family of believers”; in Ephesians 2:19 as “God’s household”; and in 1 Peter 2:17 as “the brotherhood”, indicating that the church consists of all who have been brought into the family of God and who are therefore brothers and sisters in Christ.
  • A Body. This emphasizes the function of the church through a variety of organs, and this aspect of the church is seen in 1 Corinthians 12, where the word ‘body’ is used seventeen times in vv. 12-27. As members of the church we constitute the body of Christ.
  • A Bride. This emphasizes the fidelity of all the members of the church, their love for the Bridegroom and their loyalty to Him (Ephesians 5:25). As members of the church we are the bride of Christ and He is our bridegroom.
  • A Building. Our Lord is the foundation of this spiritual house, and He is described in v. 4 as the ‘living Stone’. He is the foundation on which the church is built (Matthew 16:18; 1 Corinthians 3:11). But members of the church, Christians, are ‘living stones’ (v. 5); and we are built together on the ‘living stone’ which is Christ Himself, thus forming a spiritual temple or house (Ephesians 2:19-22).

1 Peter 2:8: “A stone of stumbling, and a rock of offense.”

  • Grammatical Usage: stumbling” or in the Greek, “proskommatos” meaning, “spiritual failure”; “offense” or “skandalou” meaning, “cause for error.”
  • Literal Interpretation: And He is to them, ‘the cause of their spiritual failure and a rock showing their error’. 
  • Contextual/Comparison: God keeps His Word: God continually uses His Word. But what is this church like? What are the characteristics of the true church? Peter gives a seven-fold description:

This is indicated in the words in v. 9 – “a chosen people”; literally it reads ‘a select people’ or ‘an elect people’. When were we elected or chosen? The answer is in eternity (Ephesians 1:4; 1 Peter 1:2), and the reason God chose us is partly revealed in Deuteronomy 7:7-8.


This is indicated in the words in v. 9 – “a royal priesthood”. In Revelation 1:6 we read that we have been made “a kingdom and priests to serve God”. The office of the priest is to go into the presence of God, and every member of the church has direct access into the presence of God and can enter with boldness (Hebrews 10:19-22). This is what is meant by ‘the priesthood of all believers’ (Hebrews 4:14-16). Per v. 5 as priests we are to offer up spiritual sacrifices: of thanksgiving (Psalm 50:14), of a broken heart (Psalm 51:17), of prayer (Psalm 141:2), of praise (Hebrews 13:15), of benevolence (Hebrews 13:16), and of ourselves (Romans 12:1).


This is indicated in the words “a holy nation” (v. 9). The emphasis is upon the word ‘holy’ or ‘set apart for God’, a different people (Leviticus 19:2; Hebrews 12:14; 1 Peter 1:15-16).


This is indicated in the words “that you may declare the praises of Him”, that is, of Jesus (v. 9). The church is ‘to proclaim His wondrous deeds’ – to show forth the glory of the Lord and to make known His gracious dealings with His people.


This is indicated in the second part of vv. 9-10. Notice that the members of the church are here described in three ways:

    • They are the children of light – 9.
    • They are the people of God – 10.
    • They are the redeemed of the Lord – 10.

This is indicated in vv. 11-12 dealing with personal behavior of those who are members of the church. Notice the intensity of the apostle’s appeal in v. 11, and notice the three reasons he gives for the necessity of this self-discipline:

    • Because of our heavenly citizenship – 11.
    • Because of the need to protect our spiritual life – 11. Our soul will never be lost as believers (John 10:27-29); but our life may be lost.
    • Because of the influence we have upon others – 12. As believers we are to live such good lives among the pagans (Matthew 5:16)

This is indicated in vv. 13-17 where Peter commands submission given God’s reign:

    • The command is clear: be subject ( 13)
    • The motive is clear: for the Lord’s sake ( 13)
    • The extent is clear: to every human institution ( 13)
    • The reason is clear: it is the will of God ( 15)
    • The attitude is clear: living as servants of God ( 16)
    • The application is clear: honor the emperor ( 17)

My son, fear the Lord and the king, and do not join with those who do otherwise, 22 for disaster will arise suddenly from them, and who knows the ruin that will come from them both?” (Proverbs 24:21-22)

  • Conclusion: Am I an engaged member of Christ’s Church?