If we are faithful in our believing, our belonging and our behaving, our lives also will be fruitful to the glory of God.
2 Kings 4:9: “And she said to her husband, “Behold now, I know that this is a holy man of God who is continually passing our way.”
(1) one who believes in God;
(2) one who belongs to God;
(3) one who behaves as God would have.
Do we believe and trust in Him, live and act as those who belong to Him, and behave like Him? In 2 Kings 4:9 we are told several things that will be true of us if we are living holy, faithful lives:
Many of the Lord’s people are very anxious about the matter of their provision, but if we are seeking to live a faithful life we need not be anxious, for just as God used the woman of Shunem to feed Elisha, He will use someone to feed and to provide for us. He fed and cared for Elijah at Zarephath and at Cherith (1 Kings 17: 2-16), and He will do similarly for every one of His children in time of need (Psalm 34:10; Matthew 6:31-34; Philippians 4:19; Psalm 37:25).
As Elisha passed by, this woman soon recognized the characteristics of a faithful man in him; she sensed that there was something different about him. Perhaps he gave thanks before a meal and his conversation was different; he was polite, considerate and helpful, until perhaps she asked herself, “What has he got that I haven’t?” Do our loved-ones “perceive” that we are “a holy man of God”, faithful to God in all things…or is ours an empty kind of profession? (2 Timothy 3:5).
When the woman recognized that Elisha was a faithful man she told her husband of him – and other people heard about him as well. We are all the subject of someone’s conversation, but what do they say about us? Do they say:
Romans 14:7 tells us that “none of us lives to himself alone”; we are constantly under the scrutiny of other people. Do they see Christ in us?
Elisha was exercising a mighty ministry, not in the pulpit but in the home. He was not preaching; he was living a faithful life each moment of the day, and that most of all is what is needed. If a few thousand more Christians really lived holy lives in their business, school, factory or home, revival would soon come to our land – compare Ezekiel 36:23 with John 20:25. The great need today is for Christians to be like the One whose name they bear; for Christian doctors, bankers, workers in industry, housewives… simply to faithfully live the Christian life!
Elisha did! He was invited to stay in the home at Shunem, and he was used to bring wonderful blessing into the life of this childless woman as the result of his presence and prophecy in the name of the Lord. What fruit resulted! Christians are often very concerned because they do not know of many, or any, who have come to Christ as the result of their labors, but if we are faithful in serving the Lord, and especially in consistent and Christlike living, we need have no fear about the results. Therefore, live according to Galatians 6:9! In “that day” (2 Timothy 1:12) many who have seen few results from their service will get a great surprise as they hear their Lord say: “Well done, good and faithful servant! You were faithful over a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Share your master’s joy” (Matthew 25:21)!