Please ask God to help us

Pastor, we are in bad way here in Kentucky. My husband has not worked his job on the train since May, unemployment ran out, our rent is 4 months behind, we can’t afford health care and we have $2700 in medical bills. My mother died of Covid19 last month. She was 73. My son-in-law has it now, but even worse, my 10 year old nephew has it very bad. Their entire family has it because they did not wear masks as my son-in-law believed in Mr. Trump. Now he regrets it. He is only 29 and he and my nephew are not doing well despite being in great health before it struck them. My daughter has it but she is doing ok so far. I work as an office cleaner when there is work. Congress and the president have abandoned us and we might be homeless soon. My husband’s brother and family are homeless and living in a shelter in Texas. They are in their late 40s. They could not pay their rent since May and were evicted last month. My 80 year old friend was also evicted from her house. I never thought I would see America evicting senior citizens. Our country is truly decaying around us and both parties are to blame. Please pray we can keep our home, find a way to get my inlaws here and we can convert our garage for them to live with us. My daughter is working and giving us a little to be sure we can keep the lights on and we get food from the church. But our savings is gone and unemployment ran out 7 weeks ago. We are so worried, but we have faith that even if our country kills us with neglegeance. God is still in control. We know where we are going. We are both just past 50 in age. We voted for Trump but we are very sorry we did now as he is not a good leader and we are tired of his ego and perversions of the facts. He just cannot tell the truth and has strange inferiority complexes. America has fallen badly in the world under his leadership. I fear our country will never be great again. Please pray we can survive, that God has a plan for us, that my husband’s parents can survive too. We know He is in control, no matter what happens to us and He will win in the end.