Prayer Request 1-12-25
- A spiritual awakening for our Country
- Our Country’s Leadership
- EFCA workers in Ukraine
- Christians being persecuted around the world especially Afghanistan, North Korea, China
- Israel for their challenges
- Dave, Sue Fritts & family – strength and healing
- Jerry for strength and energy. Brenda for continued healing and recovery.
- Andrea for the lord’s will
- Fred for continued peace while in assisted living
- Pastor and the Raker Family
- Crew Ministries on George Mason Campus (Pastor Daniel, Michael and Maggie Crum)
- Marshall found more cancer and needs a bone marrow transplant. Diagnosed with Diverticulitis
- Whitney spiritual guidance
- Dave and Joanne Hilty for an opening for assisted living. Joanne Hilty having health issues
- Ukraine Protestant and Evangelical churches being persecuted
- Hearts of the kids on George Mason campus to be receptive to the word
- Lilly and the family
- Moe and Phyllis
- Monty physical therapy. Prayer for a speedy recovery. Is in a lot of pain
- Blanca’s health is deteriorating. John for perseverance
- Our missions we support: Uganda, Sierra Leone, Romania, George Mason
- Brenda’s physical therapy has started. The doctors are very optimistic
- Anthony has had multiple health challenges lately
- Jetty’s father James has terminal cancer. Continues the fight with treatments
- Sierra Jennings has breast cancer
- Caroline’s mother passed. Family for peace.
- Keri Ritenour’s mother had a kidney replacement
- Open door for daycare for Alex Additional nursing assistance for the Raker boys
- Robin’s daughter Jessie invited to church hopefully open to the word
- Danae 43 her body is rejecting food and other health issues
- Jetty and Kelly’s finances
- Those still suffering in North Carolina from the floods and those in LA with the fire
- Pastor and Caroline travel mercies for the week.