Thanksgiving hypocrasy?

Reverend Raker, What do you think of this holiday madness in the US over Thanksgiving and Black Friday? So many retailers open to tempt buyers into forsaking the holiday to feed their shopping addictions? I strongly believe if you are thanking God, you need to set aside time for it.. One day a year is not too much to ask, I think. Instead it is a frenzy of family madness, politics and spending sprees. American families are severely undisciplined and lack God in their lives (and British are becoming the same way). Retailers should be closed on this holiday to show thankfulness for what they have. Instead they continue their habits of gluttony and greed. Black Friday is the same with madly shopping addicted people pushing and shoving to find highly questionable “deals” among retailers seeking underhanded ways to take more of our money for unneeded garbage. Please comment or provide one your famous Issues & Answers papers on this. I think Christians need to be reminded of their god’s need for praise and humility from us. Thank you! I hope you & yours enjoy a quiet, contemplative holiday. Winston Abernathy, Balgreggan England