“He who overcomes will inherit all this, and I will be his God and he will be my son.” Revelation 21:7
Spiritual warfare against the world, the flesh, and the Devil is one long, continuous struggle. The battleground has front lines and rear flanks. There are soldiers of Christ and backsliders gone AWOL. The Enemy has a strategy, and he’s out to kill, maim, and wound. But God’s strategy is to advance His kingdom and reclaim enemy territory.
As in any battle, the troops can get demoralized. That’s when you and I need to remember that when we signed up in the army of Christ, it was like having radical heart surgery. In fact, a heart transplant. In Christ we have died to the power of the Enemy over us, and we’ve been given victorious new weapons of warfare in prayer and worship. God’s battle plan can’t fail, and the medal of honor, for those who overcome, is holiness.
If you are experiencing battle fatigue, please remember that your fight won’t go on forever. The spiritual warfare will soon be over. The end is in sight. And today’s verse, if anything, should encourage you in the battle down here on earth, for eternity will be yours.
The promise in Revelation 21:7 is that we shall inherit all of heaven and earth, God shall be our God and we will live as His children if… we overcome. So please don’t shrink from the front lines if you feel the heat of the enemy artillery today. Stand strong in the Lord, the Captain of your salvation, and you will overcome. Lord, my battle is rugged and demanding, as it is for any good soldier, but the rewards are precious. The front lines are a risky place to be, but the battle prize is worth it. May I, in you, overcome!