53Facts about Heaven
1.Heaven is being prepared by Christ Himself Jn.14:3
2.It is only for those who have been born again Jn.3:3
3.It is described as a glorious city, likened to pure gold and clear glass Rev.21:11-18
4.The name of the city is New Jerusalem Rev.21:2
5.It is in the shape of a cube, with the length, width and height being equal Rev.21:16
6.Its size is 12,000 furlongs, roughly 1, 400 miles long, wide and high Rev.21:16
7.The city rests upon 12 layers of stones, each layer inlaid with a precious stone Rev. 21:19, 20
8.Each foundation has one of the names of the 12 apostles on it Rev.21:14
9.The wall around the city is made of pure jasper Rev.21:18
10.The height of the wall is approximately 216 feet Rev.21:17
11.The wall has 12 gates, three on each of the four sides Rev.21:12
12.Each gate is made of solid pearl Rev.21:21
13.Each gate has on it the name of one of the 12 tribes of Israel Rev. 21:12
14.An angel stands guard at each gate Rev.21:12
15.The gates will never be shut Rev.21:25
16.The palaces may possibly be made of ivory Ps.45:8
17.The River of Life is there, to insure everlasting life Rev.22:1
18.The Tree of Life is there, to insure abundant life Rev.2:7; 22:19
19.It will bear its fruit each month Rev.22:2
20.The throne of God will occupy the central palace Rev.4:2; 22:1
21.It is likened to wheels of burning fire with an emerald rainbow canopy Dan. 7;9; Rev. 4:3
22.It is surrounded by 24 small thrones Rev.4:4
23.Near it stands the brazen layer, described as “a sea of glass, like crystal.” Rev.4:6
24.Beside the throe are four special angels who worship God continually Rev.4:8
25.The golden altar is there, with bowls of incense Rev. 5:8; 8:3; 9:13
26.The menorah, or seven-branched lamp stand fixture is there Rev.1:12; 4:5
27.The holy Ark of God may be there Rev.11:19
28.The main street of the city is composed of transparent gold Rev.21:21
29.The city will shine with and be enlightened by God’s glory Jn. 17:24; Rom.8:18; Rev. 21:11, 23; 22:5
30.It is a place of holiness Rev.21:27
31.It is a place of beauty Ps.50:2
32.It is a place of unity Eph.1:10
33.It is a place of perfection 1Cor. 13:10
34.It is a place of joy Ps.16:11
35.It is a place for all eternityJn 3:15; Ps. 23:6
36.There may be a tabernacle Rev.15:5; 21:3
37.There will be no temple Rev.21:22
38.There will be no sea Rev.21:1
39.There will be no tears Rev.7:17; 21:4
40.There will be no sickness Rev.22:2
41.There will be no pain Rev.21:4
42.There will be no deathIsa. 25:8; 1 Cor. 15:26; Rev. 21:4
43.There will be no more thirst or hunger Rev.7:16
44.There will be no more sin Rev.21:27
45.There will be no more judgment upon sin Rev.22:3
46.There will be no need for the sun or moon Rev.21:23
47.There will be no nightRev. 21:25; 22:5
48.The city will be the Bridegroom’s gift to the Bride, Christ’s Church nbsp; Rev.21:2, 10
49.It will be shared by saved Israel Heb.11:10, 16
50.It will be shared by the holy angels Dan. 7:10; Heb. 12:22; Rev. 5:11
51.The Father will be there Dan. 7:9; Rev. 4:2, 3
52.The Son will be there Rev.5:6; 7:17
53.The Holy Spirit will be there Rev. 14:13; 22:17
7 Facts about Our Resurrected Bodies in Heaven
1.It will be a recognizable body1 Cor. 13:2
2.It will be a body like Christ’s body 1 Jn. 3:2
3.It will be a body that will permit eating Lk. 24:41-43; Jn. 21:12, 13
4.It will be a body in which the spirit predominates 1Cor. 15:44, 49
5.It will be a body unlimited by time, gravity, or space Lk. 24:31; Jn. 20:19, 26
6.It will be an eternal body 2 Cor. 5:1
7.It will be a glorious body Rom.8:18; 1 Cor. 15:43
3 Activities in Heaven
1.Singing Isa. 44:23; Heb. 2:12; Rev. 14:3; 15:3
2.Serving Rev.7:15; 22:3
3.Learning 1Cor. 13:9, 10
9 Facts about Hell (“Gehenna”)
1.A place of unquenchable fire Mt. 3;12; 13:41, 42; Mk. 9:43
2.It will be a place of memory and remorse Lk. 16:19-31
3.It will be a place of thirst Lk. 16:24
4.It will be a place of misery and pain Rev. 14:10, 11
5.It will be a place of frustration and anger Mt. 13:42; 24:51
6.It will be a place of separation Rev. 2:11; 20:6, 15
7.It will be a place of undiluted divine wrath Heb. 3:2; Rev. 14:10
8.It was originally prepared for Satan and his hosts Mt. 25:41
9.It will be a place created for all eternity Dan 12:2; Mt. 25:46; Jude 7